Grouped Bar Chart (Multiple Measure with Repeat Template
This Grouped Bar Chart template is based on the official Vega-Lite example and has been adapted for Deneb in Power BI. Note that cross-filtering interactivity is not possible due to the use of the ‘repeat’ function.
Grouped Bar Chart (Multiple Measures with Repeat Template)
Based on the official Vega-Lite example and adapted for Deneb in Power BI, this template provides a powerful visualization tool. Note that cross-filtering interactivity is not possible due to the use of the ‘repeat’ function.
official Vega-Lite
Adapted for Deneb in Power BI
Download the files used here
🔽 Grouped_Bar_Chart_(Multiple_Measure_With_Repeat.pbix (4.85 MB)
🔽 Template_Grouped_Bar_Chart_(Multiple_Measure_With_Repeat_VegaLite.json: (3.17 KB)
- Grouped Bar Chart (Multiple Measures with Repeat): This example showcases a Grouped Bar Chart using Vega-Lite, providing the foundation for creating complex visualizations.
- Advanced Options for pbiFormat Function: A detailed guide on using the pbiFormat function for advanced formatting options.
- Deneb Formatting: A comprehensive resource on formatting techniques in Deneb.
- Deneb Schemes: This resource offers insights into various schemes available in Deneb, helping to customize and enhance the visual appeal of your charts.
Copy Template
"$schema": "",
"usermeta": {
"deneb": {
"build": "",
"metaVersion": 1,
"provider": "vegaLite",
"providerVersion": "5.16.3"
"interactivity": {
"tooltip": true,
"contextMenu": true,
"selection": false,
"highlight": false,
"dataPointLimit": 50
"information": {
"name": "Grouped Bar Chart (Multiple Measure with Repeat)",
"description": "Based on an official Vega-Lite example and adapted for use in Deneb within Power BI, it should be noted that cross-filtering interactivity is limited when using 'repeat'. Author: Cristobal Salcedo Beltran. Contact:",
"author": "Cristobal Salcedo Beltran",
"uuid": "3daea56b-488c-467b-9627-5cf0d503e056",
"generated": "2024-07-04T05:32:15.995Z"
"dataset": [
"key": "__0__",
"name": "Major Genre",
"description": "Primary classification of the data, representing different genres or segments.",
"type": "text",
"kind": "column"
"key": "__1__",
"name": "US Gross",
"description": "Quantitative measurement",
"type": "numeric",
"kind": "measure"
"key": "__2__",
"name": "Worldwide Gross",
"description": "Quantitative measurement",
"type": "numeric",
"kind": "measure"
"config": {
"axisX": {
"title": "",
"labelAngle": -45,
"labelFontSize": 18,
"labelExpr": "[split[datum.value,' '](0),split[datum.value,' '](1)]",
"labelColor": "black"
"axisY": {
"labelAngle": 0,
"gridDash": [4, 8],
"gridColor": "black",
"gridOpacity": 0.4,
"gridWidth": 1.5,
"tickCount": 6,
"labelFontSize": 16,
"labelExpr": "pbiFormat(datum['value'], '$#,0,,,.# bn')"
"legend": {
"orient": "top",
"labelFontSize": 18
"description": "This Grouped Bar Chart (Multiple Measure with Repeat) visualizes the Worldwide and US Gross Earnings by Major Film Genre. Based on an official Vega-Lite example and adapted for use in Deneb within Power BI, it should be noted that cross-filtering interactivity is limited when using 'repeat'. Author: Cristobal Salcedo Beltran. Contact:",
"data": {"name": "dataset"},
"title": {
"text": "Worldwide and US Gross Earnings by Major Film Genre (in billions USD)",
"fontSize": 25
"transform": [
{"filter": "datum['__0__']!== null"}
"repeat": {
"layer": ["__2__", "__1__"]
"spec": {
"mark": {"type": "bar"},
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "__0__",
"type": "nominal"
"y": {
"aggregate": "sum",
"field": {"repeat": "layer"},
"type": "quantitative",
"title": ""
"color": {
"datum": {"repeat": "layer"},
"type": "nominal",
"scale": {
"range": [
{"expr": "pbiColor(0)"},
{"expr": "pbiColor(1)"}
"xOffset": {
"datum": {"repeat": "layer"}
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